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      Guangzhou COOLER Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. is a specialist in refrigeration area. Our business includes tradition, manufacture, refrigeratory engineering design and installation. We are the agent of semi-hermetic compressor authorized by BITZER Germany and the contributing maintenance department ; we also supply refrigeration fittings of different world-famous manufacturers, such as DANFOSS, CASTEL, LINERS, etc.; meanwhile we can provide engineering solutions for fresh storerooms, refrigerators, deepfreeze storerooms and air-conditioning. 

        We have professional equipments for production, inspection and maintenance, with which we can carry out inspection and maintenance for refrigeration compressors, also manufacture of our own developed productions, such as COOLEST air-cooled condensing units and water-cooled condensing units, parallel connection units, cooling( heated) water condensing units and high quality and efficient air-coolers and air-cooled condenser. All of these ensure our high quality and trusted service.

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